Sunday, April 4, 2010

Shandy Cola Print ad analysis

Product: FMCGs
Source: The Review
Placement two pages

This cooperate ad is about carbonated drink Shandy. This ad was at the center of the magazine and in the form of a poster to get the maximum attention of the readers. Although they have made a lot of ad in this ad for capturing maximum eyes but it is not that much attractive as their body copy is so long and irrelevant that readers may lose interest while reading it. They mentioned it to get more and more public attention that their drink is good and they should try it, but it seems that the effort they put would go in vain.
Then come to its illustration and slogan. It is right that they are offering and different sizes flavors and ranges in their product but their packaging is not that much attractive because it is just as the same as that of other beverages bottles. Then it has no proper monogram from which people could recognize it. It slogan “Apna Hai Raj Kay Pyo” is also not that much appealing. In short it sounds a bit cheap. But English slogan they have used is acceptable “Drink Shandy, it belongs to you”. Their heading Quality, Service and Customer satisfaction is closer to the quality line of Mc Donalds.
In short after seeing this ad an image of pirated drink comes into mind due to which consumer may feel hesitated to buy this drink and his buying decision may get effected.

Amal Khurram

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